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This school year I worked with a team to create the Choose2Matter app. Our mission was to let everyone in the world know that they matter. I was in charge of creating the MatterMen video series. The MatterMen were  the official mascots of Choose2Matter. This department provided entertainment value to our app and was designed to get people interested in our movement. Although our app didn't make the final cut, I was proud of what our team had accomplished. I also took pride in my MatterMen video because it got more views on Youtube than we expected and most everyone who saw it said they really enjoyed the video and thought it was funny. It was a great experience being on the Choose2Matter team.

This year I worked on the Motivational Video Mega App team. I was Project Manager of the group although I had to rely on other members to help fill some of my positions due to me having  to miss this class often for golf. However, we fought through the adversity and produced what I believed to be a pretty good product even though our app wasn't voted through. I made the Comedy page, the Inspirational quotes page, the Happiness quotes and helped contribute ideas to top movies for teens. I also directed, wrote, and edited our main app trailer.

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